E-Agenda: Paperless Meeting System
Meeting Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2006

spacer graphic spacer graphic spacer graphic spacer graphic PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD ERP PHASE II APPROVAL & UPDATE MINUTES

Special Meeting/Workshop

  1. Convene: 3:35 p.m.
  2. Public Comments: None
  3. Phase II Statement of Work #3 to eVerge Consulting Agreement
    I recommend that the School Board approve the Award of Statement of Work No. 3 with eVerge Group, Inc. for PeopleSoft Implementation Services, Phase II not to exceed the amount of $5,815,275, and authorize the Board Chairman and Superintendent to sign all related documents. - PASS
    Minutes: Negotiations resulted in the attached Statement of Work No. 3 for Phase II of the implementation services. Phase II will consist of many of the employee and vendor self service portals, including eBenefits, ePay, eProfile, eSupplier, which allow employees and vendors to manage their own personal data. The agreement with eVerge Group, Inc. will be for a not to exceed base amount of $4,975,275. It is recommended that a contingency fund of $840,000 be approved to provide the District flexibility in implementing unanticipated changes during the implementation. The term of this agreement will be from September 1, 2006 through October 31, 2007. Matt Knoepke, Consultant, presented Board Members with an update regarding the ERP and Phase II Contract and highlighted the following: Phase I Modules - Financial and Human Capital Management; Phase I Statistics; Who has Contributed?; Phase I Status; Phase II Modules and Intiatives; and Phase II - Cost. Board Members discussed the following topics: running dual financials; recruiting; and the application process. Dr. Johnson summarized the status of this project in three (3) sections: HR/personnel; hardware; and training. Mr. Graham suggested another workshop to discuss this topic and include procedures in place for an emergency situation. Mrs. Burdick thanked the PeopleSoft employees for all their hard work and dedication.
    Vote Results:
      Motion: Mark Hansen
      Second: Debra Robinson
      Tom Lynch - Aye
      Sandra Richmond - Aye
      Paulette Burdick - Aye
      Mark Hansen - Aye
      Debra Robinson - Aye
      Bill Graham - Aye

  4. Adjourn: 4:15 p.m.


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